Monday, February 16, 2015

Valentine's Day Party

The kids looked adorable in their Valentine red!  We celebrated friendships while eating cupcakes, ice-cream and of course plenty of candy!!
It was a festive afternoon!!
Here they are showing off their Valentine boxes.  Thank you Mrs. Valdez for getting our class these boxes ready for the kids to decorate.  They had so much fun decorating them!

Who can resist these beautiful and delicious looking cupcakes?  I have to admit that I had to taste-test one before handing them out. In case you were wondering...yes, they were as delicious as they looked!!

I couldn't get him to pose.  He was too eager to enjoy all the goodies!!

Look at those handsome boys!
These girls sure look pretty in pink, white and red!
What a good-looking group of kids!
They sure are silly too!

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Native American Project

In social studies, students have been making connections to the past and the ways in which traditions have developed and changed.  Emphasis has been placed on the American Indians.  Students were asked to write a report on a Native American tribe and create a 3-D model of a typical home.  Students were expected to present what they had learned through an oral presentation.  I was so proud of them and the excellent oral reports they shared.  They spoke with such confidence and clarity while maintaining great eye contact with their audience.  These students are amazing!

Super job, kids! It's evident that each of you worked really hard to showcase what you learned!  I am SO proud of you!

What a truly remarkable class!